Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Free Clothes Do Wonders

If there's anywhere in the world I'd rather be last Friday, it would have to be Wall Street. Gap dressed 1,200 New York Stock Exchange traders in its new 1969 Premium Jeans that day and even though I don't own anything from them, free clothes are free clothes and I welcome them with open arms. Now why would Gap give thousands of jeans away?

Gap has been losing money for a few months before they played Santa to Wall Street brokers, so they decided to promote the new 1969 denim line by giving them away to a bunch of fashion bloggers (except me). Hey, if I were given free clothes then I sure would praise Gap in my blog. This is a smart move too because having fashion bloggers grateful for their new jeans write about how good the 1969 line is is cheaper than having a billboard advertising the line in the middle of Times Square. People around the world can access these blogs anytime, but only the people in Times Square can see the billboards in Times Square.

Dressing Wall Street traders in these jeans is step two. I don't know what their motives are exactly for doing this, but some say it is to convince the financial community that investing in Gap shares is a brilliant idea. Whoever thought so last Friday was correct because Gap stocks reached $19.48 per share when the bell rang. Free clothes do wonders because those figures were the highest Gap stocks has ever been since September last year.

Still waiting for my free jeans. Holla back Glenn Murphy!

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